✧ cinni’s blog ✧

short update

hi bear blog! a lot has changed since my last post, both IRL and bear blog. i'll keep this short, just a quick how-i'm-doing ^_^;

have lots of ideas but not enough energy to execute them all, but that means i never am empty-minded. i burn out easily but am trying to be kind to myself! this year i started taking medication and talk-therapy, and its helping tons, but i still have ways to heal. despite that, im trying to enjoy the nice weather and spend time with the cats n partner! i started making beaded necklaces which has been a nice way to spend time away from a screen. when i'm on my computer tho, i've been playing lots of furcadia and making pixel art for it. here's my baby shadow, an old gremlin who i love dearly. this was taken over a month ago, but he's still by my side like this LOL.

