✧ cinni’s blog ✧

March Update🌸


Lately I've been into journaling and collecting vintage stationery*. I ordered some binders and folders to organize my sticker collection and put away some various papers,zines,postcards, etc all in one neat place. I've been trying to track a lot of things! if i've taken my medicine, or go on walks, or even how often i cuddle my cat in a day. i've managed to keep up the routine of writing in my journal everyday for about a month, so that's a gold star for me ⭐

*on the topic of vintage stationery, i satisfied my inner child recently by visiting an old mall in chinatown, elizabeth center, that used to be full of kawaii stationery & anime goods. for some reason i had thought it was closed for good for years, because it's seemingly always at the verge of it - but! i was happy to learn it's still around, though only a fraction of what it used to be. I haven't gone since high school, but this place is in my dreams a lot, mostly in the form of anxiety stress dreams, but still in my deep consciousness. despite that, i still loved the place and missed it a lot. i went last week after my therapy appointment and took the same broken escalators i remember down to the dimly lit, poor ventilated hallways to see about, 5-6 shops? but 3 of them were all part of the same store, i learned, when i tried to buy some things and was told to go to store #5 to complete the purchase haha.

besides gift stores there was also a bath goods shop and a pharmacy that took up most of the basement. the first place i stopped by was the smallest, but also probably my favorite, because of it's charming selection of very affordable character goods, including a morning glory blue bear bag i got for $3 💙 (I saw the same bag on depop for $30, so, lol..). I was super happy especially since i used to get my blue bear goods from here and the company pretty much stopped making any merch years ago T_T) besides that, i got some stickers, memo pads, and some towels with vintage hello kitty designs :3

The weather was super nice for a few days last week, so I went on nice long walks by myself. This week however is much colder!! Regardless, I'm trying to eat healthier and get more steps in. meal planning is kind of a headache but im feeling better already haha. i weighed myself recently and thought like DAYUM they weren't kidding when they said SSRIs make you gain weight haha. here's to fitting a bit better in my jeans 💪 i'm planning to go to a secret rooftop show for my birthday in may and i need to look gewd!! B-)

